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December 7, 2017. It had been four days since my daughter Sophie had been to the washroom. The doctor we visited said that it seemed like constipation and gave us medicine, but it did not help. Finally, we went to the emergency room at Georgetown hospital. The doctors did an ultrasound and found over 300 ml of fluid in her bladder. They used a catheter to remove it and we thought that it was the end of our ordeal. Little did we know that the real ordeal was about to begin. The next day, we went back and after another two-hour ultrasound, we were told that my 4-year-old might have CANCER. We rushed to McMaster Children’s Hospital and Sophie underwent ultrasounds, CT scans, and an MRI in the next few hours.

Finally, at 4:00 a.m. on December 8, the doctor told us that Sophie had Stage 4 Cancer. She had a baseball-sized tumour over her right kidney, three tumours in her head, cancer had spread to her bones, her bone marrow and her legs, and there was a tumour at the bottom of her spine which was the reason why she could not go to the washroom. Our perfect little world came crashing down. Nothing in life prepares you for a moment like this. But this was just the beginning.

Sophie underwent surgery to insert a Hickmann line in her chest, which goes directly into an artery. Sophie has undergone six chemotherapy sessions which run over five days. Sophie has had a 10-hour surgery to remove the biggest tumour. Sophie has been through 2 bone marrow transplants at Sick Kids, 32 radiation sessions at Juravinski and 23 rounds of immunotherapy. She’s undergone procedures that 99 percent of the people in this world will never experience in their lifetime. She lost all her hair, she lost weight, and she couldn’t walk or run. We spent multiple Christmas and New Year’s in the hospital.

In 2021 Sophie became a Guelph Wish Fund for Children Wish Kid, and later in the year received her wish. Because of the support of the Wish Fund, Sophie enjoyed a special 8th birthday at Disney!

To this day, we continue to fight the greatest battle of our lives, living and enjoying each day as it comes. We do not know what the future holds, but for now, we laugh and live each moment.

~Anima & Robin (Sophie's mom and dad)

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